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emoji | İsim | Anlam | Bilgi | kodlar |
😀 | sırıtan yüz |
| Grinning Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f600 :grinning: 😀 😀 0xd83d 0xde00 %F0%9F%98%80 |
😃 | İri Gözlü Sırıtan Yüz |
| Grinning Face with Big Eyes Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f603 :smiley: 😃 😃 0xd83d 0xde03 %F0%9F%98%83 |
😄 | Gülen Gözlerle Sırıtan Yüz |
| Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f604 :smile: 😄 😄 0xd83d 0xde04 %F0%9F%98%84 |
😁 | Gülen Gözlerle Gülen Yüz |
| Beaming Face with Smiling Eyes Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f601 :grin: 😁 😁 0xd83d 0xde01 %F0%9F%98%81 |
😆 | Sırıtan Şaşı Yüz |
| Grinning Squinting Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f606 :laughing: 😆 😆 0xd83d 0xde06 %F0%9F%98%86 |
😅 | Terli Sırıtan Yüz |
| Grinning Face with Sweat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f605 :sweat_smile: 😅 😅 0xd83d 0xde05 %F0%9F%98%85 |
🤣 | Gülmek Yerde Yuvarlanmak |
| Rolling on The Floor Laughing Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f923 :rofl: 🤣 🤣 0xd83e 0xdd23 %F0%9F%A4%A3 |
😂 | Sevinç Gözyaşlarıyla Yüzleşmek |
| Face with Tears of Joy Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f602 :joy: 😂 😂 0xd83d 0xde02 %F0%9F%98%82 |
🙂 | Hafifçe Gülen Yüz |
| Slightly Smiling Face Unicode 7.0 2014 | Alt+1f642 :slight_smile: 🙂 🙂 0xd83d 0xde42 %F0%9F%99%82 |
🙃 | Ters Yüz |
| Upside-Down Face Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f643 :upside_down: 🙃 🙃 0xd83d 0xde43 %F0%9F%99%83 |
😉 | göz kırpan yüz |
| Winking Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f609 :wink: 😉 😉 0xd83d 0xde09 %F0%9F%98%89 |
😊 | Gülen Gözlerle Gülen Yüz |
| Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f60a :blush: 😊 😊 0xd83d 0xde0a %F0%9F%98%8A |
😇 | Halo ile Gülen Yüz |
| Smiling Face with Halo Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f607 :innocent: 😇 😇 0xd83d 0xde07 %F0%9F%98%87 |
🥰 | Yürekleri Gülen Yüz |
| Smiling Face with Hearts Unicode 11.0 2018 | Alt+1f970 :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 🥰 🥰 0xd83e 0xdd70 %F0%9F%A5%B0 |
😍 | Kalp gözlü gülen yüz |
| Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f60d :heart_eyes: 😍 😍 0xd83d 0xde0d %F0%9F%98%8D |
🤩 | yıldız çarpması |
| Star-Struck Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f929 :star_struck: 🤩 🤩 0xd83e 0xdd29 %F0%9F%A4%A9 |
😘 | Bir öpücük üfleme yüz |
| Face Blowing a Kiss Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f618 :kissing_heart: 😘 😘 0xd83d 0xde18 %F0%9F%98%98 |
😗 | öpüşme yüz |
| Kissing Face Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f617 :kissing: 😗 😗 0xd83d 0xde17 %F0%9F%98%97 |
☺️ | Gülen yüz |
| Smiling Face Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+263a :relaxed: ☺️ ☺️ 0x263a 0xfe0f %E2%98%BA%EF%B8%8F |
😚 | Kapalı Gözlerle Öpüşen Yüz |
| Kissing Face with Closed Eyes Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f61a :kissing_closed_eyes: 😚 😚 0xd83d 0xde1a %F0%9F%98%9A |
😙 | Gülen Gözlerle Öpüşen Yüz |
| Kissing Face with Smiling Eyes Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f619 :kissing_smiling_eyes: 😙 😙 0xd83d 0xde19 %F0%9F%98%99 |
🥲 | Gözyaşı ile Gülen Yüz |
| Smiling Face with Tear Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f972 🥲 🥲 0xd83e 0xdd72 %F0%9F%A5%B2 |
😋 | Yüz Tadını Çıkaran Yemek |
| Face Savoring Food Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f60b :yum: 😋 😋 0xd83d 0xde0b %F0%9F%98%8B |
😛 | dil ile yüz |
| Face with Tongue Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f61b :stuck_out_tongue: 😛 😛 0xd83d 0xde1b %F0%9F%98%9B |
😜 | Dil ile göz kırpan yüz |
| Winking Face with Tongue Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f61c :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😜 😜 0xd83d 0xde1c %F0%9F%98%9C |
🤪 | Zany Yüz |
| Zany Face Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f92a :zany_face: 🤪 🤪 0xd83e 0xdd2a %F0%9F%A4%AA |
😝 | Dil ile şaşı yüz |
| Squinting Face with Tongue Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f61d :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 😝 😝 0xd83d 0xde1d %F0%9F%98%9D |
🤑 | Para Ağızlı Yüz |
| Money-Mouth Face Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f911 :money_mouth: 🤑 🤑 0xd83e 0xdd11 %F0%9F%A4%91 |
🤗 | sarılma yüz |
| Hugging Face Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f917 :hugging: 🤗 🤗 0xd83e 0xdd17 %F0%9F%A4%97 |
🤭 | El Ağızlı Yüz |
| Face with Hand Over Mouth Unicode 4.0 2003 | Alt+1f92d :face_with_hand_over_mouth: 🤭 🤭 0xd83e 0xdd2d %F0%9F%A4%AD |
🤫 | surat asmak |
| Shushing Face Unicode 10.0 2017 | Alt+1f92b :shushing_face: 🤫 🤫 0xd83e 0xdd2b %F0%9F%A4%AB |
🤔 | Düşünen Yüz |
| Thinking Face Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f914 :thinking: 🤔 🤔 0xd83e 0xdd14 %F0%9F%A4%94 |
🤐 | Fermuar-Ağız Yüz |
| Zipper-Mouth Face Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f910 :zipper_mouth: 🤐 🤐 0xd83e 0xdd10 %F0%9F%A4%90 |
🤨 | Yükseltilmiş Kaşlı Yüz |
| Face with Raised Eyebrow Unicode 10.0 2017 | Alt+1f928 :face_with_raised_eyebrow: 🤨 🤨 0xd83e 0xdd28 %F0%9F%A4%A8 |
😐 | nötr yüz |
| Neutral Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f610 :neutral_face: 😐 😐 0xd83d 0xde10 %F0%9F%98%90 |
😑 | ifadesiz yüz |
| Expressionless Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f611 :expressionless: 😑 😑 0xd83d 0xde11 %F0%9F%98%91 |
😶 | Ağızsız Yüz |
| Face Without Mouth Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f636 :no_mouth: 😶 😶 0xd83d 0xde36 %F0%9F%98%B6 |
😏 | sırıtan yüz |
| Smirking Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f60f :smirk: 😏 😏 0xd83d 0xde0f %F0%9F%98%8F |
😒 | eğlenmemiş yüz |
| Unamused Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f612 :unamused: 😒 😒 0xd83d 0xde12 %F0%9F%98%92 |
🙄 | Yuvarlanan Gözlerle Yüz |
| Face with Rolling Eyes Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f644 :rolling_eyes: 🙄 🙄 0xd83d 0xde44 %F0%9F%99%84 |
😬 | yüz ekşitme |
| Grimacing Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f62c :grimacing: 😬 😬 0xd83d 0xde2c %F0%9F%98%AC |
🤥 | yalancı yüz |
| Lying Face Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f925 :lying_face: 🤥 🤥 0xd83e 0xdd25 %F0%9F%A4%A5 |
😌 | Rahatlamış Yüz |
| Relieved Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f60c :relieved: 😌 😌 0xd83d 0xde0c %F0%9F%98%8C |
😔 | dalgın yüz |
| Pensive Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f614 :pensive: 😔 😔 0xd83d 0xde14 %F0%9F%98%94 |
😪 | Uykulu yüz |
| Sleepy Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f62a :sleepy: 😪 😪 0xd83d 0xde2a %F0%9F%98%AA |
🤤 | salyası akan yüz |
| Drooling Face Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f924 :drooling_face: 🤤 🤤 0xd83e 0xdd24 %F0%9F%A4%A4 |
😴 | Uyuyan Yüz |
| Sleeping Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f634 :sleeping: 😴 😴 0xd83d 0xde34 %F0%9F%98%B4 |
😷 | Tıbbi Maskeli Yüz |
| Face with Medical Mask Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f637 :mask: 😷 😷 0xd83d 0xde37 %F0%9F%98%B7 |
🤒 | Termometre ile Yüz |
| Face with Thermometer Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f912 :thermometer_face: 🤒 🤒 0xd83e 0xdd12 %F0%9F%A4%92 |
🤕 | Kafa Bandajlı Yüz |
| Face with Head-Bandage Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f915 :head_bandage: 🤕 🤕 0xd83e 0xdd15 %F0%9F%A4%95 |
🤢 | Mide bulantısı |
| Nauseated Face Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f922 :nauseated_face: 🤢 🤢 0xd83e 0xdd22 %F0%9F%A4%A2 |
🤮 | Yüz Kusma |
| Face Vomiting Unicode 10.0 2017 | Alt+1f92e :face_vomiting: 🤮 🤮 0xd83e 0xdd2e %F0%9F%A4%AE |
🤧 | hapşırma yüz |
| Sneezing Face Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f927 :sneezing_face: 🤧 🤧 0xd83e 0xdd27 %F0%9F%A4%A7 |
🥵 | sıcak yüz |
| Hot Face Unicode 11.0 2018 | Alt+1f975 :hot_face: 🥵 🥵 0xd83e 0xdd75 %F0%9F%A5%B5 |
🥶 | Soğuk Yüz |
| Cold Face Unicode 11.0 2018 | Alt+1f976 :cold_face: 🥶 🥶 0xd83e 0xdd76 %F0%9F%A5%B6 |
🥴 | sersem yüz |
| Woozy Face Unicode 11.0 2018 | Alt+1f974 :woozy_face: 🥴 🥴 0xd83e 0xdd74 %F0%9F%A5%B4 |
😵 | baş dönmesi |
| Dizzy Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f635 :dizzy_face: 😵 😵 0xd83d 0xde35 %F0%9F%98%B5 |
🤯 | patlayan kafa |
| Exploding Head Unicode 10.0 2017 | Alt+1f92f :exploding_head: 🤯 🤯 0xd83e 0xdd2f %F0%9F%A4%AF |
🤠 | kovboy şapkası, yüz |
| Cowboy Hat Face Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f920 :cowboy: 🤠 🤠 0xd83e 0xdd20 %F0%9F%A4%A0 |
🥳 | parti yüz |
| Partying Face Unicode 11.0 2018 | Alt+1f973 :partying_face: 🥳 🥳 0xd83e 0xdd73 %F0%9F%A5%B3 |
🥸 | kılık değiştirmiş yüz |
| Disguised Face Unicode 13.0 2020 | Alt+1f978 🥸 🥸 0xd83e 0xdd78 %F0%9F%A5%B8 |
😎 | Güneş gözlüklü gülen yüz |
| Smiling Face with Sunglasses Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f60e :sunglasses: 😎 😎 0xd83d 0xde0e %F0%9F%98%8E |
🤓 | inek yüz |
| Nerd Face Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f913 :nerd: 🤓 🤓 0xd83e 0xdd13 %F0%9F%A4%93 |
🧐 | Monokl ile Yüz |
| Face with Monocle Unicode 10.0 2017 | Alt+1f9d0 :face_with_monocle: 🧐 🧐 0xd83e 0xddd0 %F0%9F%A7%90 |
😕 | Şaşkın Yüz |
| Confused Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f615 :confused: 😕 😕 0xd83d 0xde15 %F0%9F%98%95 |
😟 | endişeli yüz |
| Worried Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f61f :worried: 😟 😟 0xd83d 0xde1f %F0%9F%98%9F |
🙁 | Hafifçe Asık Yüz |
| Slightly Frowning Face Unicode 7.0 2014 | Alt+1f641 :slight_frown: 🙁 🙁 0xd83d 0xde41 %F0%9F%99%81 |
☹️ | çatık yüz |
| Frowning Face Unicode 1.1 | Alt+2639 :frowning2: ☹️ ☹️ 0x2639 0xfe0f %E2%98%B9%EF%B8%8F |
😮 | Ağzı Açık Yüz |
| Face with Open Mouth Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f62e :open_mouth: 😮 😮 0xd83d 0xde2e %F0%9F%98%AE |
😯 | susmuş yüz |
| Hushed Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f62f :hushed: 😯 😯 0xd83d 0xde2f %F0%9F%98%AF |
😲 | şaşkın yüz |
| Astonished Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f632 :astonished: 😲 😲 0xd83d 0xde32 %F0%9F%98%B2 |
😳 | Kızarık surat |
| Flushed Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f633 :flushed: 😳 😳 0xd83d 0xde33 %F0%9F%98%B3 |
🥺 | yalvaran yüz |
| Pleading Face Unicode 11.0 2018 | Alt+1f97a :pleading_face: 🥺 🥺 0xd83e 0xdd7a %F0%9F%A5%BA |
😦 | Ağzı Açık Asık Yüz |
| Frowning Face with Open Mouth Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f626 :frowning: 😦 😦 0xd83d 0xde26 %F0%9F%98%A6 |
😧 | acılı yüz |
| Anguished Face Unicode 6.1 2012 | Alt+1f627 :anguished: 😧 😧 0xd83d 0xde27 %F0%9F%98%A7 |
😨 | Korkunç Yüz |
| Fearful Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f628 :fearful: 😨 😨 0xd83d 0xde28 %F0%9F%98%A8 |
😰 | Terli Endişeli Yüz |
| Anxious Face with Sweat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f630 :cold_sweat: 😰 😰 0xd83d 0xde30 %F0%9F%98%B0 |
😥 | Üzgün Ama Rahatlamış Yüz |
| Sad But Relieved Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f625 :disappointed_relieved: 😥 😥 0xd83d 0xde25 %F0%9F%98%A5 |
😢 | ağlayan yüz |
| Crying Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f622 :cry: 😢 😢 0xd83d 0xde22 %F0%9F%98%A2 |
😭 | yüksek sesle ağlayan yüz |
| Loudly Crying Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f62d :sob: 😭 😭 0xd83d 0xde2d %F0%9F%98%AD |
😱 | Korkudan Çığlık atan yüz |
| Face Screaming in Fear Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f631 :scream: 😱 😱 0xd83d 0xde31 %F0%9F%98%B1 |
😖 | şaşkın yüz |
| Confounded Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f616 :confounded: 😖 😖 0xd83d 0xde16 %F0%9F%98%96 |
😣 | azimli yüz |
| Persevering Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f623 :persevere: 😣 😣 0xd83d 0xde23 %F0%9F%98%A3 |
😞 | hayal kırıklığına uğramış yüz |
| Disappointed Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f61e :disappointed: 😞 😞 0xd83d 0xde1e %F0%9F%98%9E |
😓 | Terli Seksi Yüz |
| Downcast Face with Sweat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f613 :sweat: 😓 😓 0xd83d 0xde13 %F0%9F%98%93 |
😩 | yorgun yüz |
| Weary Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f629 :weary: 😩 😩 0xd83d 0xde29 %F0%9F%98%A9 |
😫 | Yorgun yüz |
| Tired Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f62b :tired_face: 😫 😫 0xd83d 0xde2b %F0%9F%98%AB |
🥱 | esneme yüz |
| Yawning Face Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f971 🥱 🥱 0xd83e 0xdd71 %F0%9F%A5%B1 |
😤 | Burundan Gelen Buharla Yüzleşmek |
| Face with Steam from Nose Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f624 :triumph: 😤 😤 0xd83d 0xde24 %F0%9F%98%A4 |
😡 | somurtkan yüz |
| Pouting Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f621 :rage: 😡 😡 0xd83d 0xde21 %F0%9F%98%A1 |
😠 | Kızgın surat |
| Angry Face Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f620 :angry: 😠 😠 0xd83d 0xde20 %F0%9F%98%A0 |
🤬 | Ağızda Sembollerle Yüzleşmek |
| Face with Symbols on Mouth Unicode 10.0 2017 | Alt+1f92c :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: 🤬 🤬 0xd83e 0xdd2c %F0%9F%A4%AC |
😈 | Boynuzlu Gülen Yüz |
| Smiling Face with Horns Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f608 :smiling_imp: 😈 😈 0xd83d 0xde08 %F0%9F%98%88 |
👿 | Boynuzlu kızgın surat |
| Angry Face with Horns Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f47f :imp: 👿 👿 0xd83d 0xdc7f %F0%9F%91%BF |
💀 | Kafatası |
| Skull Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f480 :skull: 💀 💀 0xd83d 0xdc80 %F0%9F%92%80 |
☠ | Kurukafa ve kırık kemikler |
| Skull and Crossbones Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+2620 :skull_crossbones: ☠️ ☠️ 0x2620 0xfe0f %E2%98%A0%EF%B8%8F |
💩 | kaka yığını |
| Pile of Poo Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4a9 :poop: 💩 💩 0xd83d 0xdca9 %F0%9F%92%A9 |
🤡 | palyaço yüzü |
| Clown Face Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f921 :clown: 🤡 🤡 0xd83e 0xdd21 %F0%9F%A4%A1 |
👹 | dev |
| Ogre Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f479 :japanese_ogre: 👹 👹 0xd83d 0xdc79 %F0%9F%91%B9 |
👺 | cin |
| Goblin Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f47a :japanese_goblin: 👺 👺 0xd83d 0xdc7a %F0%9F%91%BA |
👻 | Hayalet |
| Ghost Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f47b :ghost: 👻 👻 0xd83d 0xdc7b %F0%9F%91%BB |
👽 | Yabancı |
| Alien Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f47d :alien: 👽 👽 0xd83d 0xdc7d %F0%9F%91%BD |
👾 | uzaylı canavar |
| Alien Monster Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f47e :space_invader: 👾 👾 0xd83d 0xdc7e %F0%9F%91%BE |
🤖 | Robot |
| Robot Unicode 8.0 2015 | Alt+1f916 :robot: 🤖 🤖 0xd83e 0xdd16 %F0%9F%A4%96 |
😺 | sırıtan kedi |
| Grinning Cat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f63a :smiley_cat: 😺 😺 0xd83d 0xde3a %F0%9F%98%BA |
😸 | Gözleri Gülen Sırıtan Kedi |
| Grinning Cat with Smiling Eyes Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f638 :smile_cat: 😸 😸 0xd83d 0xde38 %F0%9F%98%B8 |
😹 | sevinç gözyaşları ile kedi |
| Cat with Tears of Joy Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f639 :joy_cat: 😹 😹 0xd83d 0xde39 %F0%9F%98%B9 |
😻 | Kalp gözlü gülümseyen kedi |
| Smiling Cat with Heart-Eyes Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f63b :heart_eyes_cat: 😻 😻 0xd83d 0xde3b %F0%9F%98%BB |
😼 | Alaycı Gülümseyen Kedi |
| Cat with Wry Smile Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f63c :smirk_cat: 😼 😼 0xd83d 0xde3c %F0%9F%98%BC |
😽 | öpüşen kedi |
| Kissing Cat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f63d :kissing_cat: 😽 😽 0xd83d 0xde3d %F0%9F%98%BD |
🙀 | yorgun kedi |
| Weary Cat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f640 :scream_cat: 🙀 🙀 0xd83d 0xde40 %F0%9F%99%80 |
😿 | ağlayan kedi |
| Crying Cat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f63f :crying_cat_face: 😿 😿 0xd83d 0xde3f %F0%9F%98%BF |
😾 | surat asan kedi |
| Pouting Cat Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f63e :pouting_cat: 😾 😾 0xd83d 0xde3e %F0%9F%98%BE |
🙈 | Kötülük Görmeyen Maymun |
| See-No-Evil Monkey Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f648 :see_no_evil: 🙈 🙈 0xd83d 0xde48 %F0%9F%99%88 |
🙉 | Duymayan Kötü Maymun |
| Hear-No-Evil Monkey Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f649 :hear_no_evil: 🙉 🙉 0xd83d 0xde49 %F0%9F%99%89 |
🙊 | Konuş-No-Kötü Maymun |
| Speak-No-Evil Monkey Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f64a :speak_no_evil: 🙊 🙊 0xd83d 0xde4a %F0%9F%99%8A |
💋 | Öpücük izi |
| Kiss Mark Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f48b :kiss: 💋 💋 0xd83d 0xdc8b %F0%9F%92%8B |
💌 | Aşk mektubu |
| Love Letter Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f48c :love_letter: 💌 💌 0xd83d 0xdc8c %F0%9F%92%8C |
💘 | Oklu kalp |
| Heart with Arrow Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f498 :cupid: 💘 💘 0xd83d 0xdc98 %F0%9F%92%98 |
💝 | şerit ile kalp |
| Heart with Ribbon Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f49d :gift_heart: 💝 💝 0xd83d 0xdc9d %F0%9F%92%9D |
💖 | parlayan kalp |
| Sparkling Heart Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f496 :sparkling_heart: 💖 💖 0xd83d 0xdc96 %F0%9F%92%96 |
💗 | büyüyen kalp |
| Growing Heart Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f497 :heartpulse: 💗 💗 0xd83d 0xdc97 %F0%9F%92%97 |
💓 | Çarpan kalp |
| Beating Heart Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f493 :heartbeat: 💓 💓 0xd83d 0xdc93 %F0%9F%92%93 |
💞 | dönen kalpler |
| Revolving Hearts Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f49e :revolving_hearts: 💞 💞 0xd83d 0xdc9e %F0%9F%92%9E |
💕 | İki kalp |
| Two Hearts Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f495 :two_hearts: 💕 💕 0xd83d 0xdc95 %F0%9F%92%95 |
💟 | Kalp Dekorasyonu |
| Heart Decoration Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f49f :heart_decoration: 💟 💟 0xd83d 0xdc9f %F0%9F%92%9F |
❣ | kalp ünlem |
| Heart Exclamation Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+2763 :heart_exclamation: ❣️ ❣️ 0x2763 0xfe0f %E2%9D%A3%EF%B8%8F |
💔 | Kırık kalp |
| Broken Heart Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f494 :broken_heart: 💔 💔 0xd83d 0xdc94 %F0%9F%92%94 |
❤ | Kırmızı kalp |
| Red Heart Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+2764 :heart: ❤️ ❤️ 0x2764 0xfe0f %E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F |
🧡 | turuncu kalp |
| Orange Heart Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f9e1 :orange_heart: 🧡 🧡 0xd83e 0xdde1 %F0%9F%A7%A1 |
💛 | sarı kalp |
| Yellow Heart Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f49b :yellow_heart: 💛 💛 0xd83d 0xdc9b %F0%9F%92%9B |
💚 | Yeşil kalp |
| Green Heart Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f49a :green_heart: 💚 💚 0xd83d 0xdc9a %F0%9F%92%9A |
💙 | Mavi kalp |
| Blue Heart Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f499 :blue_heart: 💙 💙 0xd83d 0xdc99 %F0%9F%92%99 |
💜 | Mor Kalp |
| Purple Heart Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f49c :purple_heart: 💜 💜 0xd83d 0xdc9c %F0%9F%92%9C |
🤎 | kahverengi kalp |
| Brown Heart Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f90e 🤎 🤎 0xd83e 0xdd0e %F0%9F%A4%8E |
🖤 | Kara kalp |
| Black Heart Unicode 9.0 2016 | Alt+1f5a4 :black_heart: 🖤 🖤 0xd83d 0xdda4 %F0%9F%96%A4 |
🤍 | Beyaz Kalp |
| White Heart Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f90d 🤍 🤍 0xd83e 0xdd0d %F0%9F%A4%8D |
💯 | Yüz Puan |
| Hundred Points Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4af :100: 💯 💯 0xd83d 0xdcaf %F0%9F%92%AF |
💢 | öfke sembolü |
| Anger Symbol Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4a2 :anger: 💢 💢 0xd83d 0xdca2 %F0%9F%92%A2 |
💥 | Çarpışma |
| Collision Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4a5 :boom: 💥 💥 0xd83d 0xdca5 %F0%9F%92%A5 |
💫 | Başı dönmek |
| Dizzy Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4ab :dizzy: 💫 💫 0xd83d 0xdcab %F0%9F%92%AB |
💦 | Ter Damlacıkları |
| Sweat Droplets Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4a6 :sweat_drops: 💦 💦 0xd83d 0xdca6 %F0%9F%92%A6 |
💨 | Uzaklaşmak |
| Dashing Away Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4a8 :dash: 💨 💨 0xd83d 0xdca8 %F0%9F%92%A8 |
🕳 | Delik |
| Hole Unicode 7.0 2014 | Alt+1f573 :hole: 🕳️ 🕳️ 0xd83d 0xdd73 0xfe0f %F0%9F%95%B3%EF%B8%8F |
💣 | Bomba |
| Bomb Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4a3 :bomb: 💣 💣 0xd83d 0xdca3 %F0%9F%92%A3 |
💬 | Konuşma balonu |
| Speech Balloon Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4ac :speech_balloon: 💬 💬 0xd83d 0xdcac %F0%9F%92%AC |
👁️🗨️ | Konuşma Baloncuğundaki Göz |
| Eye in Speech Bubble Emoji 11.0 2018 |
:eye_in_speech_bubble: 👁️🗨️ 👁️‍🗨️ 0xd83d 0xdc41 0xfe0f 0x200d 0xd83d 0xdde8 0xfe0f %F0%9F%91%81%EF%B8%8F%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%97%A8%EF%B8%8F |
🗨 | Sol Konuşma Balonu |
| Left Speech Bubble Unicode 7.0 2014 | Alt+1f5e8 :speech_left: 🗨️ 🗨️ 0xd83d 0xdde8 0xfe0f %F0%9F%97%A8%EF%B8%8F |
🗯 | Sağ Öfke Balonu |
| Right Anger Bubble Unicode 7.0 2014 | Alt+1f5ef :anger_right: 🗯️ 🗯️ 0xd83d 0xddef 0xfe0f %F0%9F%97%AF%EF%B8%8F |
💭 | düşünce balonu |
| Thought Balloon Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4ad :thought_balloon: 💭 💭 0xd83d 0xdcad %F0%9F%92%AD |
💤 | Zzz |
| Zzz Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4a4 :zzz: 💤 💤 0xd83d 0xdca4 %F0%9F%92%A4 |