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Emoji | Nom | Significat | Informació | Codis |
🏧 | Signe del caixer automàtic |
| Atm Sign Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f3e7 :atm: 🏧 🏧 0xd83c 0xdfe7 %F0%9F%8F%A7 |
🚮 | Cartell d’escombraries al contenidor |
| Litter in Bin Sign Unicode 13.0 2020 | Alt+1f6ae :put_litter_in_its_place: 🚮 🚮 0xd83d 0xdeae %F0%9F%9A%AE |
🚰 | Aigua potable |
| Potable Water Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6b0 :potable_water: 🚰 🚰 0xd83d 0xdeb0 %F0%9F%9A%B0 |
♿ | Símbol de cadira de rodes |
| Wheelchair Symbol Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+267f :wheelchair: ♿ ♿ 0x267f %E2%99%BF |
🚹 | Habitació dels homes |
| Men’s Room Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6b9 :mens: 🚹 🚹 0xd83d 0xdeb9 %F0%9F%9A%B9 |
🚺 | Sala de Dones |
| Women’s Room Unicode 4.1 2005 | Alt+1f6ba :womens: 🚺 🚺 0xd83d 0xdeba %F0%9F%9A%BA |
🚻 | Lavabo |
| Restroom Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6bb :restroom: 🚻 🚻 0xd83d 0xdebb %F0%9F%9A%BB |
🚼 | Símbol del nadó |
| Baby Symbol Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6bc :baby_symbol: 🚼 🚼 0xd83d 0xdebc %F0%9F%9A%BC |
🚾 | Vàter |
| Water Closet Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6be :wc: 🚾 🚾 0xd83d 0xdebe %F0%9F%9A%BE |
🛂 | Control de passaport |
| Passport Control Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6c2 :passport_control: 🛂 🛂 0xd83d 0xdec2 %F0%9F%9B%82 |
🛃 | Duana |
| Customs Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6c3 :customs: 🛃 🛃 0xd83d 0xdec3 %F0%9F%9B%83 |
🛄 | Reclamació d’equipatge |
| Baggage Claim Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6c4 :baggage_claim: 🛄 🛄 0xd83d 0xdec4 %F0%9F%9B%84 |
🛅 | Equipatge deixat |
| Left Luggage Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6c5 :left_luggage: 🛅 🛅 0xd83d 0xdec5 %F0%9F%9B%85 |
🚸 | Travessia Infantil |
| Children Crossing Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6b8 :children_crossing: 🚸 🚸 0xd83d 0xdeb8 %F0%9F%9A%B8 |
⛔ | Sense entrada |
| No Entry Unicode 5.2 | Alt+26d4 :no_entry: ⛔ ⛔ 0x26d4 %E2%9B%94 |
🚫 | Prohibit |
| Prohibited Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6ab :no_entry_sign: 🚫 🚫 0xd83d 0xdeab %F0%9F%9A%AB |
🚳 | No hi ha bicicletes |
| No Bicycles Unicode 5.2 2009 | Alt+1f6b3 :no_bicycles: 🚳 🚳 0xd83d 0xdeb3 %F0%9F%9A%B3 |
🚭 | No fumar |
| No Smoking Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6ad :no_smoking: 🚭 🚭 0xd83d 0xdead %F0%9F%9A%AD |
🚯 | Sense deixalles |
| No Littering Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6af :do_not_litter: 🚯 🚯 0xd83d 0xdeaf %F0%9F%9A%AF |
🚱 | Aigua no potable |
| Non-Potable Water Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6b1 :non-potable_water: 🚱 🚱 0xd83d 0xdeb1 %F0%9F%9A%B1 |
🚷 | Sense vianants |
| No Pedestrians Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6b7 :no_pedestrians: 🚷 🚷 0xd83d 0xdeb7 %F0%9F%9A%B7 |
📵 | Sense telèfons mòbils |
| No Mobile Phones Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4f5 :no_mobile_phones: 📵 📵 0xd83d 0xdcf5 %F0%9F%93%B5 |
🔞 | Ningú menor de divuit anys |
| No One Under Eighteen Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f51e :underage: 🔞 🔞 0xd83d 0xdd1e %F0%9F%94%9E |
🔃 | Fletxes verticals en sentit horari |
| Clockwise Vertical Arrows Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f503 :arrows_clockwise: 🔃 🔃 0xd83d 0xdd03 %F0%9F%94%83 |
🔄 | Botó de fletxes en sentit contrari a les agulles del rellotge |
| Counterclockwise Arrows Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f504 :arrows_counterclockwise: 🔄 🔄 0xd83d 0xdd04 %F0%9F%94%84 |
🔙 | Fletxa enrere |
| Back Arrow Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f519 :back: 🔙 🔙 0xd83d 0xdd19 %F0%9F%94%99 |
🔚 | Fletxa final |
| End Arrow Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f51a :end: 🔚 🔚 0xd83d 0xdd1a %F0%9F%94%9A |
🔛 | Encès! Fletxa |
| On! Arrow Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f51b :on: 🔛 🔛 0xd83d 0xdd1b %F0%9F%94%9B |
🔜 | Aviat Arrow |
| Soon Arrow Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f51c :soon: 🔜 🔜 0xd83d 0xdd1c %F0%9F%94%9C |
🔝 | Fletxa superior |
| Top Arrow Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f51d :top: 🔝 🔝 0xd83d 0xdd1d %F0%9F%94%9D |
🛐 | Lloc de culte |
| Place of Worship Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f6d0 :place_of_worship: 🛐 🛐 0xd83d 0xded0 %F0%9F%9B%90 |
🔀 | Botó Barreja les pistes |
| Shuffle Tracks Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f500 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: 🔀 🔀 0xd83d 0xdd00 %F0%9F%94%80 |
🔁 | Botó de repetició |
| Repeat Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f501 :repeat: 🔁 🔁 0xd83d 0xdd01 %F0%9F%94%81 |
🔂 | Repetiu un sol botó |
| Repeat Single Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f502 :repeat_one: 🔂 🔂 0xd83d 0xdd02 %F0%9F%94%82 |
⏩ | Botó d’avançament ràpid |
| Fast-Forward Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+23e9 :fast_forward: ⏩ ⏩ 0x23e9 %E2%8F%A9 |
⏪ | Botó de marxa enrere ràpida |
| Fast Reverse Button Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+23ea :rewind: ⏪ ⏪ 0x23ea %E2%8F%AA |
🔼 | Botó cap amunt |
| Upwards Button Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+1f53c :arrow_up_small: 🔼 🔼 0xd83d 0xdd3c %F0%9F%94%BC |
⏫ | Botó de pujada ràpida |
| Fast Up Button Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+23eb :arrow_double_up: ⏫ ⏫ 0x23eb %E2%8F%AB |
🔽 | Botó cap avall |
| Downwards Button Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+1f53d :arrow_down_small: 🔽 🔽 0xd83d 0xdd3d %F0%9F%94%BD |
⏬ | Botó de baixada ràpida |
| Fast Down Button Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+23ec :arrow_double_down: ⏬ ⏬ 0x23ec %E2%8F%AC |
🎦 | Cinema |
| Cinema Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+1f3a6 :cinema: 🎦 🎦 0xd83c 0xdfa6 %F0%9F%8E%A6 |
🔅 | Botó Dim |
| Dim Button Unicode 1.1 1993 | Alt+1f505 :low_brightness: 🔅 🔅 0xd83d 0xdd05 %F0%9F%94%85 |
🔆 | Botó brillant |
| Bright Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f506 :high_brightness: 🔆 🔆 0xd83d 0xdd06 %F0%9F%94%86 |
📶 | Barres d’antena |
| Antenna Bars Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4f6 :signal_strength: 📶 📶 0xd83d 0xdcf6 %F0%9F%93%B6 |
📳 | Mode de vibració |
| Vibration Mode Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4f3 :vibration_mode: 📳 📳 0xd83d 0xdcf3 %F0%9F%93%B3 |
📴 | Telèfon mòbil apagat |
| Mobile Phone Off Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4f4 :mobile_phone_off: 📴 📴 0xd83d 0xdcf4 %F0%9F%93%B4 |
➕ | Més |
| Plus Unicode 6.0 | Alt+2795 :heavy_plus_sign: ➕ ➕ 0x2795 %E2%9E%95 |
➖ | Menys |
| Minus Unicode 6.0 | Alt+2796 :heavy_minus_sign: ➖ ➖ 0x2796 %E2%9E%96 |
➗ | Dividiu |
| Divide Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+2797 :heavy_division_sign: ➗ ➗ 0x2797 %E2%9E%97 |
❓ | Signe d’interrogació |
| Question Mark Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+2753 :question: ❓ ❓ 0x2753 %E2%9D%93 |
❔ | Signe d’interrogació blanc |
| White Question Mark Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+2754 :grey_question: ❔ ❔ 0x2754 %E2%9D%94 |
❕ | Signe d’exclamació blanc |
| White Exclamation Mark Unicode 6.0 | Alt+2755 :grey_exclamation: ❕ ❕ 0x2755 %E2%9D%95 |
❗ | Signe d’exclamació |
| Exclamation Mark Unicode 5.2 | Alt+2757 :exclamation: ❗ ❗ 0x2757 %E2%9D%97 |
🔱 | Emblema del trident |
| Trident Emblem Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f531 :trident: 🔱 🔱 0xd83d 0xdd31 %F0%9F%94%B1 |
📛 | Insígnia de nom |
| Name Badge Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f4db :name_badge: 📛 📛 0xd83d 0xdcdb %F0%9F%93%9B |
🔰 | Símbol japonès per a principiants |
| Japanese Symbol for Beginner Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f530 :beginner: 🔰 🔰 0xd83d 0xdd30 %F0%9F%94%B0 |
⭕ | Cercle vermell buit |
| Hollow Red Circle Unicode 5.2 | Alt+2b55 :o: ⭕ ⭕ 0x2b55 %E2%AD%95 |
✅ | Botó Marca de verificació |
| Check Mark Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+2705 :white_check_mark: ✅ ✅ 0x2705 %E2%9C%85 |
❌ | Marca de creu |
| Cross Mark Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+274c :x: ❌ ❌ 0x274c %E2%9D%8C |
❎ | Botó de marca creuada |
| Cross Mark Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+274e :negative_squared_cross_mark: ❎ ❎ 0x274e %E2%9D%8E |
➰ | Bucle arrissat |
| Curly Loop Unicode 6.0 | Alt+27b0 :curly_loop: ➰ ➰ 0x27b0 %E2%9E%B0 |
➿ | Doble bucle arrissat |
| Double Curly Loop Unicode 6.0 | Alt+27bf :loop: ➿ ➿ 0x27bf %E2%9E%BF |
*️⃣ | tecla * |
| keycap * Unicode 6.0 2010 |
:asterisk: *️⃣ *️⃣ 0x2a 0xfe0f 0x20e3 *%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
0️⃣ | tecla 0 |
| keycap 0 Emoji 11.0 |
:zero: 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0x30 0xfe0f 0x20e3 0%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
1️⃣ | tecla 1 |
| keycap 1 Emoji 11.0 |
:one: 1️⃣ 1️⃣ 0x31 0xfe0f 0x20e3 1%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
2️⃣ | tecla de tecla 2 |
| keycap 2 Emoji 11.0 |
:two: 2️⃣ 2️⃣ 0x32 0xfe0f 0x20e3 2%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
3️⃣ | tecla de tecla 3 |
| keycap 3 Unicode 6.0 2010 |
:three: 3️⃣ 3️⃣ 0x33 0xfe0f 0x20e3 3%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
4️⃣ | tecla de tecla 4 |
| keycap 4 Unicode 6.0 2010 |
:four: 4️⃣ 4️⃣ 0x34 0xfe0f 0x20e3 4%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
5️⃣ | tecla de tecla 5 |
| keycap 5 Unicode 6.0 2010 |
:five: 5️⃣ 5️⃣ 0x35 0xfe0f 0x20e3 5%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
6️⃣ | tecla 6 |
| keycap 6 Unicode 5.2 2009 |
:six: 6️⃣ 6️⃣ 0x36 0xfe0f 0x20e3 6%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
7️⃣ | tecla 7 |
| keycap 7 Unicode 6.0 2010 |
:seven: 7️⃣ 7️⃣ 0x37 0xfe0f 0x20e3 7%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
8️⃣ | tecla 8 |
| keycap 8 Emoji 11.0 |
:eight: 8️⃣ 8️⃣ 0x38 0xfe0f 0x20e3 8%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
9️⃣ | tecla 9 |
| keycap 9 Emoji 11.0 |
:nine: 9️⃣ 9️⃣ 0x39 0xfe0f 0x20e3 9%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3 |
🔟 | tecla 10 |
| keycap 10 Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f51f :keycap_ten: 🔟 🔟 0xd83d 0xdd1f %F0%9F%94%9F |
🔠 | Introduïu llatí majúscules |
| Input Latin Uppercase Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f520 :capital_abcd: 🔠 🔠 0xd83d 0xdd20 %F0%9F%94%A0 |
🔡 | Introduïu llatí minúscules |
| Input Latin Lowercase Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f521 :abcd: 🔡 🔡 0xd83d 0xdd21 %F0%9F%94%A1 |
🔢 | Nombres d’entrada |
| Input Numbers Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f522 :1234: 🔢 🔢 0xd83d 0xdd22 %F0%9F%94%A2 |
🔣 | Símbols d’entrada |
| Input Symbols Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f523 :symbols: 🔣 🔣 0xd83d 0xdd23 %F0%9F%94%A3 |
🔤 | Introduïu lletres llatines |
| Input Latin Letters Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f524 :abc: 🔤 🔤 0xd83d 0xdd24 %F0%9F%94%A4 |
🆎 | Botó Ab (tipus sanguini) |
| Ab Button (blood Type) Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f18e :ab: 🆎 🆎 0xd83c 0xdd8e %F0%9F%86%8E |
🆑 | Botó Cl |
| Cl Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f191 :cl: 🆑 🆑 0xd83c 0xdd91 %F0%9F%86%91 |
🆒 | Botó fresc |
| Cool Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f192 :cool: 🆒 🆒 0xd83c 0xdd92 %F0%9F%86%92 |
🆓 | Botó lliure |
| Free Button Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f193 :free: 🆓 🆓 0xd83c 0xdd93 %F0%9F%86%93 |
🆔 | Botó d’identificació |
| Id Button Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f194 :id: 🆔 🆔 0xd83c 0xdd94 %F0%9F%86%94 |
🆕 | Botó nou |
| New Button Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f195 :new: 🆕 🆕 0xd83c 0xdd95 %F0%9F%86%95 |
🆖 | Botó |
| Ng Button Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f196 :ng: 🆖 🆖 0xd83c 0xdd96 %F0%9F%86%96 |
🆗 | Botó d’acord |
| Ok Button Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f197 :ok: 🆗 🆗 0xd83c 0xdd97 %F0%9F%86%97 |
🆘 | Botó Sos |
| Sos Button Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f198 :sos: 🆘 🆘 0xd83c 0xdd98 %F0%9F%86%98 |
🆙 | Amunt! Botó |
| Up! Button Unicode 3.0 1999 | Alt+1f199 :up: 🆙 🆙 0xd83c 0xdd99 %F0%9F%86%99 |
🆚 | Botó Vs |
| Vs Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f19a :vs: 🆚 🆚 0xd83c 0xdd9a %F0%9F%86%9A |
🈁 | Botó japonès aquí |
| Japanese here Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f201 :koko: 🈁 🈁 0xd83c 0xde01 %F0%9F%88%81 |
🈶 | Botó japonès no gratuït |
| Japanese not Free of Charge Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f236 :u6709: 🈶 🈶 0xd83c 0xde36 %F0%9F%88%B6 |
🈯 | Botó reservat japonès |
| Japanese reserved Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f22f :u6307: 🈯 🈯 0xd83c 0xde2f %F0%9F%88%AF |
🉐 | Botó de negoci japonès |
| Japanese bargain Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f250 :ideograph_advantage: 🉐 🉐 0xd83c 0xde50 %F0%9F%89%90 |
🈹 | Botó de descompte japonès |
| Japanese discount Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f239 :u5272: 🈹 🈹 0xd83c 0xde39 %F0%9F%88%B9 |
🈚 | Botó japonès gratuït |
| Japanese free of Charge Button Unicode 5.2 | Alt+1f21a :u7121: 🈚 🈚 0xd83c 0xde1a %F0%9F%88%9A |
🈲 | Botó prohibit japonès |
| Japanese prohibited Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f232 :u7981: 🈲 🈲 0xd83c 0xde32 %F0%9F%88%B2 |
🉑 | Botó japonès acceptable |
| Japanese acceptable Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f251 :accept: 🉑 🉑 0xd83c 0xde51 %F0%9F%89%91 |
🈸 | Botó d’aplicació japonès |
| Japanese application Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f238 :u7533: 🈸 🈸 0xd83c 0xde38 %F0%9F%88%B8 |
🈴 | Botó de qualificació d’aprovació del japonès |
| Japanese passing Grade Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f234 :u5408: 🈴 🈴 0xd83c 0xde34 %F0%9F%88%B4 |
🈳 | Botó de vacant japonès |
| Japanese vacancy Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f233 :u7a7a: 🈳 🈳 0xd83c 0xde33 %F0%9F%88%B3 |
🈺 | Botó japonès obert per a negocis |
| Japanese open for Business Button Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f23a :u55b6: 🈺 🈺 0xd83c 0xde3a %F0%9F%88%BA |
🈵 | Botó japonès sense vacants |
| Japanese no Vacancy Button Unicode 6.0 | Alt+1f235 :u6e80: 🈵 🈵 0xd83c 0xde35 %F0%9F%88%B5 |
🔴 | Cercle Vermell |
| Red Circle Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f534 :red_circle: 🔴 🔴 0xd83d 0xdd34 %F0%9F%94%B4 |
🟠 | Cercle taronja |
| Orange Circle Unicode 12.0 | Alt+1f7e0 🟠 🟠 0xd83d 0xdfe0 %F0%9F%9F%A0 |
🟡 | Cercle groc |
| Yellow Circle Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7e1 🟡 🟡 0xd83d 0xdfe1 %F0%9F%9F%A1 |
🟢 | Cercle verd |
| Green Circle Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7e2 🟢 🟢 0xd83d 0xdfe2 %F0%9F%9F%A2 |
🔵 | Cercle Blau |
| Blue Circle Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f535 :blue_circle: 🔵 🔵 0xd83d 0xdd35 %F0%9F%94%B5 |
🟣 | Cercle morat |
| Purple Circle Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7e3 🟣 🟣 0xd83d 0xdfe3 %F0%9F%9F%A3 |
🟤 | Cercle marró |
| Brown Circle Unicode 12.0 | Alt+1f7e4 🟤 🟤 0xd83d 0xdfe4 %F0%9F%9F%A4 |
⚫ | Cercle Negre |
| Black Circle Unicode 4.1 | Alt+26ab :black_circle: ⚫ ⚫ 0x26ab %E2%9A%AB |
⚪ | Cercle Blanc |
| White Circle Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+26aa :white_circle: ⚪ ⚪ 0x26aa %E2%9A%AA |
🟥 | quadrat vermell |
| Red Square Unicode 5.2 2009 | Alt+1f7e5 🟥 🟥 0xd83d 0xdfe5 %F0%9F%9F%A5 |
🧧 | Plaça Taronja |
| Orange Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7e7 🟧 🟧 0xd83d 0xdfe7 %F0%9F%9F%A7 |
🟨 | Plaça Groga |
| Yellow Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7e8 🟨 🟨 0xd83d 0xdfe8 %F0%9F%9F%A8 |
🟩 | Plaça Verda |
| Green Square Unicode 5.2 2009 | Alt+1f7e9 🟩 🟩 0xd83d 0xdfe9 %F0%9F%9F%A9 |
🟦 | Plaça Blava |
| Blue Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7e6 🟦 🟦 0xd83d 0xdfe6 %F0%9F%9F%A6 |
🟪 | Plaça Porpra |
| Purple Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7ea 🟪 🟪 0xd83d 0xdfea %F0%9F%9F%AA |
🟫 | Plaça Marró |
| Brown Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f7eb 🟫 🟫 0xd83d 0xdfeb %F0%9F%9F%AB |
⬛ | Quadrat gran negre |
| Black Large Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+2b1b :black_large_square: ⬛ ⬛ 0x2b1b %E2%AC%9B |
⬜ | Gran Plaça Blanca |
| White Large Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+2b1c :white_large_square: ⬜ ⬜ 0x2b1c %E2%AC%9C |
◾ | Quadrat mitjà-petit negre |
| Black Medium-Small Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+25fe :black_medium_small_square: ◾ ◾ 0x25fe %E2%97%BE |
◽ | Quadrat Mitjà-Petit Blanc |
| White Medium-Small Square Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+25fd :white_medium_small_square: ◽ ◽ 0x25fd %E2%97%BD |
🔶 | Gran diamant taronja |
| Large Orange Diamond Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f536 :large_orange_diamond: 🔶 🔶 0xd83d 0xdd36 %F0%9F%94%B6 |
🔸 | Petit diamant taronja |
| Small Orange Diamond Unicode 6.0 2010 | Alt+1f538 :small_orange_diamond: 🔸 🔸 0xd83d 0xdd38 %F0%9F%94%B8 |
🔹 | Petit diamant blau |
| Small Blue Diamond Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f539 :small_blue_diamond: 🔹 🔹 0xd83d 0xdd39 %F0%9F%94%B9 |
🔺 | Triangle vermell apuntat cap amunt |
| Red Triangle Pointed Up Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f53a :small_red_triangle: 🔺 🔺 0xd83d 0xdd3a %F0%9F%94%BA |
🔻 | Triangle vermell apuntat cap avall |
| Red Triangle Pointed Down Unicode 4.1 2005 | Alt+1f53b :small_red_triangle_down: 🔻 🔻 0xd83d 0xdd3b %F0%9F%94%BB |
💠 | Diamant amb un punt |
| Diamond with A Dot Unicode 4.1 2005 | Alt+1f4a0 :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: 💠 💠 0xd83d 0xdca0 %F0%9F%92%A0 |
🔘 | Botó de ràdio |
| Radio Button Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f518 :radio_button: 🔘 🔘 0xd83d 0xdd18 %F0%9F%94%98 |
🔳 | Botó quadrat blanc |
| White Square Button Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f533 :white_square_button: 🔳 🔳 0xd83d 0xdd33 %F0%9F%94%B3 |
🔲 | Botó quadrat negre |
| Black Square Button Unicode 12.0 2019 | Alt+1f532 :black_square_button: 🔲 🔲 0xd83d 0xdd32 %F0%9F%94%B2 |